Part of computer project 1, this is not hard at all, except for my xfx video card, more on that in a minute. This copy of win xp has service pack 2 so I need service pack 3 (got it on disk). I went to the motherboard makers website and got the latest drivers for that and hit the kiss list for the best free software to protect your computer. I downloaded Spybpy S&D, AntiVir, Threatfire and Comodos free firewall. I installed the system drivers and then service pack 3.
I would normally install the videocard driver after the before the service pack but the disk keeps locking up the system. Furthermore, XFX won't give you support without registering and they want lots of info I don't feel like providing. Plus, another password to keep track of? NO WAY! The card is a NVidia GeForce 6200 (old, I, know) and I might just get drivers from NVidia.
To bypass the lockup, I just pointed to the drivers on the disk and didn't let the program start. At some point, you want to go to windows update and get the latest whatever. I always choose the custom button and don't blindly download anything they want on my computer. It's your choice, so own it. Also, unless you specifically choose to not show the updates, they just keep coming popping back up like some annoying prairie dogs or, I don't know, neighbors.
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