- Why can't I microwave food by pointing my cellphone at it and saying "cook"?
- Why can't I taze someone I don't like with my cellphone?
- Why isn't my cellphone also a retractable dog leash?
- Why isn't my cell phone a Swiss Army Knife?
- Wheres the laser pointer?
- It's not a passport?
- Boarding pass?
- Carve a pumpkin?
- Skin a deer?
- Change a tire?
- Open my house door?
What, I'm Tiger Woods! I can't buy a cell phone and have somebody hack it so Elin sees my "normal" address book when she looks at it and I type, say, "wood" in and there are my 11 girlfriends? No brainer, right? This has cottage industry written all over it. " Sir, would you be interested, perhaps, in the "Tigerphone".(tm). "It's really two phones in one." The "home" phone and the "away" phone. It looks like any other phone! It's like truckers keeping two driving logs or accountants with two books. The Tigerphone(tm). Get "yours" today!
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